Kestrel 3000 Pocket Weather Meter, Info Kestrel 3000 Pocket Weather Meter, Cek Harga Kestrel 3000 Pocket Weather Meter, Spek Kestrel 3000 Pocket Weather Meter, Beli Kestrel 3000 Pocket Weather Meter di 082217294199,
Kestrel 3000 Pocket Weather Meter has traditionally
been the most popular meter for firefighters for controlled burns and
such, easily and rapidly giving wind and relative humidity readings.
Before the Kestrel 3000 came along, the technology required to gather
this information would require masses of equipment, in particular a
Replacing a Sling Psychrometer with a Kestrel is a huge step in time saving...
Kestrel 3000 Pocket Weather Meter has traditionally
been the most popular meter for firefighters for controlled burns and
such, easily and rapidly giving wind and relative humidity readings.
Before the Kestrel 3000 came along, the technology required to gather
this information would require masses of equipment, in particular a
Replacing a Sling Psychrometer with a Kestrel is a huge step in time
saving and accuracy. Some have struggled to take this leap and we wrote
this quick
Kestrel vs. artikel selempang yang dapat menjawab pertanyaan akurasi.
Yang baru
Kestrel 5500 Fire Weather Pro
is quickly gaining ground as a popular alternative to the Kestrel 3000.
With the new technology of the 5500, the calibration of the relative
humidity is highly unlikely. Any drift in RH in the first 5 years would
be done at no cost by the manufacturer.
Bandingkan semua
Fire Weather Meter
and functionality to find the best meter to your needs. New features
added to the Fire Meters that are NOT on the Kestrel 3000 but starting
on the new
Kestrel 3500FW ( Fire Weather ):
Kestrel telah membawa api ke tingkat baru prediksi kebakaran dengan menggunakan aspek lingkungan untuk memasukkan:
- PIG Layar (Probabilitas Penyalaan)
- Layar FDFM (Fine Dead Fuel Moisture)
Seperti halnya semua meter Kestrel , teknologi impeller sensitif dan
yang dapat diganti-pakai 3000 ini memberikan informasi kecepatan angin
yang akurat. Selain itu, sensor suhu eksternal dan selubung tahan air
memungkinkan Anda untuk mengukur suhu air (bahkan mengapung) dan salju,
serta udara terbuka. Kasing geser yang keras, tali pengikat, dan baterai
The Kestrel Meter 3000 Wind Meter measures:
- Temperatur Titik Embun
- Heat Stress Indeks
- Kelembaban relatif
- Suhu
- Angin dingin
- Kecepatan angin
Features of the Kestrel 3000 Weather Meter
- Gust Angin Maksimum
- Kecepatan Angin 3 Lari Rata-Rata Berjalan
- Air, Water, & Snow Temperature
- Tutup pelindung dengan cengkeraman mantap pada cetakan
- Fungsi penyimpanan data
- Layar besar yang mudah dibaca dengan cahaya latar
- Tahan air
- Impeller yang dapat diganti pengguna
- Sensor suhu eksternal
- Sensor RH Cepat-Respons yang Dipatenkan
- Semua instrumen dan aksesori dirakit sepenuhnya di AS
Informasi Harga terbaik dan cara pemesanan silahkan hubungi :
Asep Tantan
Penjual Alat Ukur dan Alat Survey, Alat Telekomunikasi, Alat Lab, GPS handheld, GPS Geodetik, Motor Sirine,
Jalan HKelik No.20 Kelapa Dua Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat 11550
Phone : 082112325856 / 021.22054159
Mobile : 082217294199 bisa via WA
E-mail : atantan.margasetia@gmail.com
Web : www.tantanteknik.com / www.margasetia.com
Blog : http://tantan-instruments.blogspot.com / http://warungsirinejakarta.blogspot.com
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